Scrap Your Car


Diamond Scrap Motors offer a world class car scrapping service located in Blackburn. Our car recycling helps you to earn money whilst not wasting your old car. Our friendly, experienced staff can offer advice and answer any queries.

Good for the environment, good for your bank balance

At Diamond Scrap Motors we provide a high quality car recycling service across Lancashire. When you choose to hand your old vehicle over to our scrap yard, everyone wins: we happily provide an efficient car scrapping service, while you receive money and help save the environment at the same time. Give us a call to find out about getting paid for scrapping your old car today.

A world class, reliable car recycling service

What do I need to scrap my car?

All you need to provide is:
  • A log book for the car
  • Photo ID
  • A driving licence
  • (If using a passport, please provide a recent utility bill) 

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